Thursday, July 4, 2013

an expatriate’s prayer for independence

God, I’m not proud to be an American.
But I’m thankful that You haven’t given up on us.
Forgive us when we’ve used our standards as the only standards.
And free us from ourselves.

I’m not proud of our history.
But I am thankful that You teach us lessons.
Forgive us when we used the means of injustice for the ends of advancement.
And free us to a better future.

I’m not proud of my individualism.
But I’m thankful that You offer me fellowship.
Forgive us when we think we can do it alone.
And free us into communities.

I’m not proud of our legacy in other countries.
But I’m thankful that You have seen us through conflicts.
Forgive us for the times we’ve picked up weapons to fight instead of microphones to listen.
And free us from ignoring our mistakes.

I’m not proud to wear an invisible dollar sign when I travel.
But I’m thankful that You’ve shown us a better way.
Forgive us for our worshiping of the material.
And free us from our dependence on purchases.

I’m not proud of our politics.
But I’m thankful that you are bipartisan.
Forgive us of our name-calling, mud-slinging, and judgment-bringing.
And free of what is not important.

I’m not proud of my consumption.
But I’m thankful that You are all I need.
Forgive us for the natural, human, and monetary resources we have exploited.
And free us to intentionality.

I’m not proud of our popular culture.
But I’m thankful You offer us a new identity.
Forgive us of our egocentrism and excuses.
And free us of our ignorance.

I’m not proud that I take my blessings for granted.
But I’m thankful that You continue to provide.
Forgive us when we think we don’t need you.
And free us of our entitlement.

I’m not proud when our Church fails You.
But I’m thankful Your presence is constant.
Forgive us when we bless ourselves more than others.
And free us of the harm we cause.

God, I’m proud to follow you.
And I’m thankful of the independence you have granted.
Forgive me as I forgive my fellow citizens.
And free us anew each day. 

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